Our Map of the Anneviertel, Tips from the Neighborhood
Cartographie participative impliquant les habitants du quartier d’Annenviertel.
Crédit photo: En Garde GmbH
Bonjour, Maxime David, Marie-Josée Gagnon, Olivier Lapierre, Caroline Magar et Valérie Tremblay-Gravel, 2012
Installation éphémère dans la ville de Montréal mettant en scène des centaines d’anecdotes de voisinage.
Crédit photo : Guillaume Paradis
First Village below the Sky, Hyunjin PARK, Dong-soo PARK, Seoul Design Foundation, 2009
Installation collectant des souvenirs d’habitants du bidonville démoli de Nangok-dong.
Crédit photo : Hyunjin PARK
STAG project, Caroline Wüthrich and Geraldine Borio, Parallel Lab, 2012
Mobilier urbain portatif qui combine tabouret et sac à dos afin d’inviter les citadins à l’exploration des espaces cachés de la ville.
Crédit photo : Parallel Lab
5/9Table kid, mobilier support de vente Emmaüs
Designers : Florian Méry, Frédéric Huet et Jean-Yves Scotto Di Veitimo, ©UnCentième
6/9ExpoTENtial project by futureflair
ExpoTENtial lab #2: Zero Worm Festival
PETBOL for Marca Carcel X Satorilab, Alejandro Sarmiento, Lujan Cambariere, 2012

Dans le cadre d’une réinsertion professionnelle, des femmes détenues produisent, à partir de bouteilles recyclées, des objets utiles.
Crédit photo : Satorilab
8/9Design Harvest : designing the rural-urban-interaction
Ancrages à Saint-Étienne, Sébastien Philibert and Laure Bertoni, La Cartonnerie / Carton Plein, 2012-2013
Objets-jeux alternatifs aux aires de jeux classiques destinés aux enfants et aux adultes dans un quartier en mutation.
Making our City together
Curators: Lætitia Wolff & Josyane Franc
Scenography: Adrien Rovero

Cité du design - Bâtiments H

Designers sometimes fulfill the role of mediators between citizens, communities and governments. What should be done for their ideas to lead to transformations on a human level, rather than just for buildings? How can we give communities a sense of responsibility through collaborative processes, and combine design, social engineering and technology to make a city better connected ?

EmpathiCITY consists of a project based on the activation of the UNESCO network of the eleven Creative Cities of Design. The exhibition begins with an urban problem which is specific to each city and focuses on transversal questions (public spaces, health, sustainable development), in order to help change uses and behavior. The members of the Creative Cities of Design network participate by sharing best uses with other cities during a symposium. The cities can present either a collaboration between designers and the urban community on a recent project; or elaborate a project inspired by the "expoTENtial" trans-disciplinary platform developed in New York by Lætitia Wolff.