© ESAD Reims


École Supérieure d’Art et de Design de Reims

The designer operates in what we now recognise as an ecosystem, a living, changing fabric reflecting the diversity of its stakeholders and the variety of the situations encountered. The projects developed under the auspices of the IDIS Chair meet this new conception of creative and productive work. Close to the co-construction model, the projects participate in an economy of contribution, where young designers, businesses and researchers are working hand-in-hand to develop a professional culture focused on human exchanges and social relations.

Participants in the project : Chaire IDIS - Industrie, Design & Innovation Sociale / Industry, Design & Social Innovation Véronique Maire, titulaire de la Chaire IDIS / holder of the IDIS Chair et Théo Leclercq, Camille Viallet, Clément Chevelt, Yoann Moyeuvre, Pauline Lebel, étudiants de Master 1 en Design objet de l'ESAD de Reims

Partners : ADI - Ardennes Design Industries Lieu / Venue : Pré-Fabrique de l'Innovation (Site Manufacture)

Venue : Pré-Fabrique de l'Innovation (Site Manufacture)