ExhibitionJE ∙ VOUS ∙ DESIGNCurators: Emmanuelle Becquemin,
Olaf Muhlmann, Bruno Lefebvre
Scenography: Éric Bourbon &
Noémie Bonnet-Saint-Georges

Cité du design - Bâtiments H

The I∙DESIGN∙YOU exhibition organized by the French Alliance of Designers, explores the implementation of a designer's empathic feelings. This solicitude and capacity to identify is certainly widespread; but we can ask ourselves: what are the specific forms of empathy when putting this into practice in a professional context?

Regrouped around five major themes, some thirty designers discuss, in filmed interviews, their experience relating to an "empathic object" of their choice. The exhibition is conceived as a map making exercise. It poses numerous questions about the creative process (the designer as a sponge, observing, analysing, transferring), and the relational dimension of the activity (client-supplier-team), or about the finished product (developing concern for the other, or even for nature). In this respect I∙DESIGN∙YOU invites questioning on the possibility of considering empathy as the rock on which the society of tomorrow could be built.

1/4Kristina Cranfield, Media Mask, 2011, Photo © Tomas Valenzuela Biejer
2/4Jean-Marc Bullet, Echelle de Culture, 2011, Crédit Photographique : Jean-Marc Bullet, Mathieu Peyroulet
3/4Mehdi Saeedi, Be Kind To All Animals, 2011, © Mehdi SAEEDI
4/4Des objets utiles, stimulants en maison de retraite – Un exercice physique intégré au quotidien
Crédit : Siryane robillot