Née dans les fougères
CuratorPôle recherche de la Cité du design
Olivier Peyricot
Pôle recherche de la Cité du design
La Platine, la serre
3 rue Javelin Pagnon
From 12/03/2015
To 12/04/2015
every day
10am to 7pm
late opening every
friday until 9pm
Née dans les fougères
Recherche en territoires
We do not know where design was born, but it probably wasn't in Saint-Etienne. Or Paris. Any more than it was in London, Tokyo or New York. But we do know when. Probably in the Neolithic Period when a group of men and women embarked on a collective life project. For when it came to making technical choices, then the observation of practices and the proposal for a solution and the shaping of that solution into a practical form were done by design. On the other hand, what has been born in Saint-Etienne in the 21st century is a territory of existences that fits in neatly with the radicality of design. Here we are not talking about a capital that generates a design of codes and statuses. Here we are talking about a life project taking place in a space that is the city undergoing a renaissance. French radical design is born in Saint-Etienne because it has got the measure of the city: it matches the size of its territory and involves the progressive modification of the living environment.The Née dans les fougères. Recherche en territoires (Born in the bracken. Research in territories) exhibition explores, roams, discovers and reveals why design research could only have been born in Saint-Etienne.
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Née dans les fougères. Recherche en territoires.
© Pôle recherche de la Cité du design
© Pôle recherche de la Cité du design