Camille Chatelaine, Version bêta du logiciel Opus Faciem. Photomontage, 2015
IN Exhibition

La gueule de l’emploi

After C'est pas mon genre! (2013) and Tu nais, tuning, tu meurs (2015), the ESADSE's CyDRE (Design Research Cycle) presents in 2017 La gueule de l'emploi, an exhibition that seeks to question the ways work encounters issues connected to identity and the ways of determining it. In it we will find the research and creative work done by the student-researchers of the CyDRE, projects by students on the design course at ESADSE as well as a few projects by guest artists, designers and documentary makers.

The colourful French expression "avoir (ou pas) la gueule de l'emploi" (meaning to look the part (or not), but literally to "have the mug for the job") refers to the supposed connection between people's physical appearance and their job. Thus, for each job there would be a corresponding profile, a morphology, an appearance that fits, the word "gueule" (slang for mouth or face, "mug") referring here, by metonymy, to a profile, a type, a portrait, that is to say a personal identity and by extension a presentation of oneself, a pose, a mask... and then notions of play, theatre, show, form... In a subversive play on language, returning the expression to the sender (we could even say, the employer ("envoyeur/employeur")...), we can also seek to question work by looking simply at what it looks like. This means we stop asking the question of the whether profiles fit jobs, or jobs fit profiles from a technical point of view - "mugs for the job" - a question which in fact concerns only effectiveness, and move to a realm more concerned with feelings and aesthetics and their (in)adequacy.
Curator : CyDRE / Cycle Design Recherche de l’École supérieure d’art et design de Saint-Étienne
Scenography : CyDRE / Cycle Design Recherche de l’École supérieure d’art et design de Saint-Étienne
Site : Site Manufacture – Bâtiment des Forces Motrices
3 Rue Javelin Pagnon 42000 Saint-Étienne