Le Plus Petit Gradin Du Monde, Banc, 2016, vue 3D.
© Jean Couvreur Design
Banc d'essai 2017

Le Plus Petit Gradin du Monde

Jean Couvreur
TF - Tôlerie Forézienne

Today, it is still in the public space that movements are born and decisions are taken.
Le Plus Petit Gradin du Monde (the smallest terraces in the world) is designed to be a people-sized island of sociability. It allows individuals to come together for a while to relax, play, work, listen or talk.
LLPGM is a transposition of a terrace reduced to its simplest expression: only 3 steps and enough depth to sit down. It can easily be moved around and several can be grouped together for larger gatherings.
Le Plus Petit Gradin Du Monde, Banc, 2016, vue 3D.
© Jean Couvreur Design
Le Plus Petit Gradin Du Monde, Banc, 2016, vue 3D.
© Jean Couvreur Design
Le Plus Petit Gradin Du Monde, Banc, 2016, croquis.
© Jean Couvreur Design
Materials : Steel
Site :
Place Roanelle
