La boutique des modes - Amazone (crédit photo Grégory A. Sanchez)
Rue de la République du design

Portez vos rêves à votre mesure

Théâtre libre et La Manufacture Des Textiles

La Boutiques des Modes: fashion boutique, creative space and sale of clothing and accessories offering a reflection on the passing of time and fashion.

Ghislaine DUCERF GALLAND and La Boutique des Modes propose a creative space and sale of clothing and accessories offering a reflection on the passing of time and fashion.

The clothing and accessories presented are directly inspired by old pieces from the last century. Each of these silhouettes carries its own identity and an imagination linked to their period and their line. It is this play between contrast and similarity that gives its modernity to this line of clothing, where time truly occupies its place as an essential component of fashion. Visitors will be able to tell us their dream outfit and we will see if can make up something 'to measure'.
Opening days and hours : from Monday to Saturday from 10 am to 12 and from 2 to 7 pm
Site :
4 Rue de la République - 42000 Saint-Étienne
