Rue de la République du design

Un qui salit & un qui nettoie

L'Assaut de la menuiserie

Artistic installation

Jean-Sébastien Poncet, François Dehoux et .CORP is setting up an installation where two robots alternate their tasks: one sprays something, the other cleans it. This alternating of the tasks is done repetitively.

The setup is intended to be a metaphor for industrial work or the robotisation of work, and a mise en abyme of the desertion of the shop as a place of human activity and social interaction: the shop space becomes autonomous, giving way to the exclusive activity of machines in a production of tasks/endless tasks. The visitor is a spectator to this toing and froing, also invited to reflect on the changing effect between the coloured surface of the window and the depth of the space..

Production :
L'Assaut de la menuiserie
Opening days and hours : Autonomous installation activate throughout the Biennale
Site :
18 Rue de la République - Saint-Étienne
