Efe Bes
Efe Bes
MAR. 19 MARS / 17.00
EFE BES, a Central African native born in Detroit, MI is the founder and lead musician of Bambuti music and movement group. BES, the culture-shifting New Afrikan Instumentalist, fuses newschool African polyrhythms with contemporary hip-hop, techno, house, jazz, reggae, & pop aesthetics. As a single drummer or being accompanied by dancers, Efe has performed locally, nationally, and internationally with music notables such as Alicia Keys, the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, and Parliment Funkadelic alum. Efe has been a featured artist at the Henry Ford Museum, Detroit African World Festivals, and is a Detroit Afrikan Music Institution artist in residence.
Entré libre avec le Pass biennale
Halle mécanique - Site Cité du design
3 rue Javelin Pagnon - Saint-Étienne
Entré libre avec le Pass biennale