Global Design Talks (Saint-Étienne)

in the framework of the New European Bauhaus Festival

Conference10 june

par Maria Moreira

This conference is organized in the context of the "Bifurcations in design profession" day,  Professional Week of the Biennale Internationale Design Saint-Etienne.

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BEDA meets New European Bauhaus in Saint-Étienne

The New European Bauhaus Festival will take place June 9-12, 2022 as a hybrid event. The main activities will take place in Brussels, with parallel events throughout the EU and beyond.This festival brings together people from all walks of life to debate and shape our future: 
A future that is sustainable, inclusive and beautiful. It's a great opportunity to network, exchange and celebrate - from science to art, from design to politics, from architecture to technology.
In this context, the BEDA network proposes a series of conferences, the "global design talks", one of which will be broadcast in Saint-Etienne.

The topic of the dialogue will be Prioritising places and people that need it the most and how can design help and addvalue to the responsible performance of businesses.
• Catharine Rossi, Jana Scholze, Penny Sparke, Kingston University, London, curators of At Home 
• Stéphane ThirouinWilliwaw, designer and entrepreneur
• Silvia Doré, Alliance France Design President
• Sarah Fouquet, designer, Project and Support Officer, Incubator SINGA 

Moderated by Päivi Tahkokallio

par Maria Moreira

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