Le Musée de la Mine - © Sonia Barcet
IN Exhibition
The miraculous cradle of the hunter-gatherers
We do not know where design was born, but it probably wasn't in Saint-Étienne. Or Paris. Any more than it was in London, Tokyo or New York. I don't know where, but I do know when. It happened at the beginning of the Neolithic period when a group of men and women started to organise collective living. In those far-off days, when the question of making technical choices for the community arose, the (attentive) observation of practices, the (debated) proposals for solutions and the giving to them of (reversible) forms took place by a process that we would later come to call design.
I don't what will become of design. What I do know is that later objects will remain that were "perfect for their time" but which have become wrecks, anthropological enigmas, probably happy memories of a red estate car taking a family for a picnic.
The Berceau miraculeux des chasseurs-cueilleurs (the miraculous cradle of the hunter-gatherers) is a tribal chant to be deciphered more than a vehicle, a nuptial chamber for procreating a group of wild children, a cobbled-together solution from the Neolithic Age to constitute a desirable mini-group that is today embroiled in chaos.
I don't what will become of design. What I do know is that later objects will remain that were "perfect for their time" but which have become wrecks, anthropological enigmas, probably happy memories of a red estate car taking a family for a picnic.
The Berceau miraculeux des chasseurs-cueilleurs (the miraculous cradle of the hunter-gatherers) is a tribal chant to be deciphered more than a vehicle, a nuptial chamber for procreating a group of wild children, a cobbled-together solution from the Neolithic Age to constitute a desirable mini-group that is today embroiled in chaos.
See also
IN Exhibition
Travail, quand tu nous tiens…Allégories du travail/ 1850–2017 Saint-Étienne Métropole Puits Couriot/ Parc – Musée de la MineIN Exhibition
Le monde comme entrepôt de livraison Puits Couriot/ Parc – Musée de la MineIN Exhibition
Utopian Benches – We sit together Francis Cape